Monday, 24 November 2014


Fast and bumpy.That's what it feels like to ride Smokey. Smokey is a lesson horse at under the cross stable. Smokey is so fast and bumpy that I was scared that I was going to fall off. I was afraid to canter on Smokey. Every Wednesday evening we go to under the cross to ride horses. It's fun, but one night when Beth said I would be riding Smokey and that we may canter I was scared to canter on Smokey.

 I was fearful of falling off and breaking bones. Beth said, I'm going to help you. I'm going to get a lunge line. Smokey won't go as fast then. When you get used to his canter you can try to canter all by yourself. Is that okay with you Mikhayla?" I said, " yes that's fine with me."

I tried to canter but Smokey was too fast. After some practice with the lunge line I got used to Smokey's canter. Then I tried all by myself. I can't believe that I cantered on Smokey. I was proud of myself I overcame my fear, I wasn't scared to canter on Smokey anymore. Beth was proud of me to I thanked her so much for helping me canter and Smokey. I can do it all by myself now! 

By: Mikhayla

Monday, 17 November 2014

Remembrance Day

Rememberance Day


We were a poppy to remember the solidiers who faught for our freedom,and who keep us safe from the dangers that could harm us. On Rememberance day we bow our heads in a moment of silence to remember the fallen ones who have risked their lives to maintain our freedom. Rememberance day is to thank all those brave warriors who have passed and others fighting for our freedom now.

Written by  Maddi

Pen Pal

Dear Ryan,

I think we should not have a holiday because if it was all of the people would not celebrate it then they will forget about the people that fought for our freedom. It would just be a normal holiday for all of the people and then they would forget about it. People would just go biking riding or go Christmas shopping.  I think it should not be a holiday because kids and parents would forget about it and it would be a normal day for them.

1.       My favourite part of parliament buildings was the Library

2.       My favorite part of Ottawa is that Nice city, I would go their all of the time

3.       My favorite hockey team is the Pittsburgh penguins, my favorite player is Sidney Crosby

4.       My favorite food is Beaver Tails

I have some questions for you:

1.       How much snow is in Ottawa?

2.       Do you like the snow?

3.       What is your favorite animal in the jungle?

4.       What position do you play in hockey and what way do you shot?

5.       What is your favorite book to read?

6.       What do you like to do during your free time at school?

See you in the spring, okay good-bye. 

From Reid

My Pet Catch

My pet Catch was named after a demon.  Thankfully, he's nothing like the demon.  Catch doesn't eat people (that I know of).   He is on a diet.  He's not impressed.  Catch used to sleep all day now he is seeking prey.

by Sam


Dear, students

Of the grade 5/6 class of Perth Road Public School I am probably going to die today. I will not tell you what I am but I will give you clues. I am a HERBIVORE right now I am eating apples my favourite food, right now I am using my PERIPHERAL vision to see if anything is sneaking up on me, right now I am also using my VERY good sense of hearing to listen or hear if anything is coming after me, sometimes I get chased by big wolfs/coyotes because I am prey, most times I use my HUGE rack to plow through thick vegetation and brush like a bulldozer, I weigh over 600 pounds, I live farther up north than you, there are a BUNCH of BEARS  chasing me right now, I got away from the bears now I can tell you there are ALOT of PINE trees up here, I just heard a bang NOOOOOOOO they got my friend OH NO they found me I am running as fast as I can away from them I think I lost them NO I am surrounded there is no way out  no they got me…

By: Warren

New Friends!

On the first day of school, I realized that there was a new student! 
 She looked familiar, but I wasn't sure about it. 
 I asked her what her name was.  she said "Sabrina." 
 It sounded very familiar, so I thought about my old school, Harrowsmith,
and then all of a sudden, I remembered Sabrina in Kindergarten and grade one!
I told her and she remembered, too!
Sabrina plays with us at recess and she's a lot of fun!

Your classmate

PS  I miss you a lot!

A letter to sabrina

my new best friend…a song!

I’ve got a new best friend! I have a new best friend and she’s really nice and really cool and does not act like a fool, she’s  my awesome new best friend!!!              

 By Olivia.



A letter to Sabrina.
Hi Sabrina it’s me Livie I really  really  really  miss you and I’m going to cry right now just talking to you well E-mailing you, any way I just wanted to say hi and I miss  you so so much I got to go or I’m going to cry, please keep in touch can’t wait to see you au revoir not good bye au revoir.

Sincerely: Olivia.

Thursday, 13 November 2014

A Poem of Bananas!!!

   Not normal                       
   All-time favourite!!!!! 
by Nick Kot

The Science Table: The Wonder of Skulls

Owyn and Mikhayla created questions for other students to answer as they explore the wonders of skulls.

Which skull is the coyote skull?

Select one skull to find out:
How far apart are the eyes?

Which skull compares more to a human skull?

Select one skull.
How big might the brain be for this animal?
How heavy might the brain be?
Which animal skull once had the biggest ears?

Select a skull.
How many teeth?

Mikhala drew this jaw and photographed the art.

Acrostic Poem About School

grOwth mindset
SCHOOL… I Love School!!!! 

By Blake