Friday, 1 April 2016

What I Learned From Mr. Pollard About Our School's Geothermal System

Today we went to the Geothermal System.We learned some very interesting things. Here are three facts.  

                                   1.If the Geothermal System was 70 c or goes over we have to turn some of it off.

                                   2.The Geothermal System was made 4 years ago.

                                   3.If the power was out only half of the school would go out because we are                                 connected to two different sets of power lines.                                
By: Dani
Edited by: Morgan

I learned that ethanol has Ethan's name in it.
I also learned that they name the pipes and number them.
And the room has latches on the pipes for emergencies like when there's a problem they turn the latch.


  1 It is better for our environment because it does not use as much gasoline.
  2 All the pipes are numbered so the workers know what pipe they need to work on.
  3 The pipe near the door runs the ethanol.  

By: Morgan 

1: I learned that you can touch ethanol
2: I learned what ethanol was
3: I learned that you can touch anything in the place where it was without getting electrocuted
4: I learned their is a upstairs


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