Thursday 17 October 2013

Attitude of Gratitude

1- I am so thankful to have animals in the world because I love them!!!

2- I am so thankful to be able to walk around and use everything in my body.

3-  I love that I can come home and play with my friends and family.

4- I am so thankful to be able to have money to pay to ride horses, show cows, play Ringette do jazz and acro and play soccer.

5- I am so thankful to be able to go to school and learn and play.

6- I am thankful to be able to have clean food and water that I can drink and eat.

7- I am thankful to be able to have dinner and to be able to have lunch when I come to school.

8- And most of all I am thankful to have food on the table, a roof over my head and to have a wonder full family that loves me!!!


Dylan wrote 32 things he is grateful for!


  1. This is awesome Emma! I am thankful for you :)

  2. Here is a comment from Mrs. Dufresne! She shared this with me so I am posting this on her behalf.
    -Ms. de Groot

    Hi Everyone,
    I just wanted to let everyone know how impressed I am with your blog! This is a fabulous way to share the wonderful things you are doing with family members. Keep up the great effort. You are a fantastic group of students who are doing excellent activities in your class. Super job Ms. de Groot!
    Looking forward to seeing more exciting items on your blog,
    Mrs. Dufresne
